Click on the button to complete the online request form or return the downloaded/completed form via the fax number, or to the mailing address listed. Please note: a fee may apply when requesting a copy of your records.
Health Information Management - St. Peter's Health Partners Medical Associates
315 S. Manning Boulevard
Albany, NY 12208
Phone: 1-610-994-7500, option 1
Fax: 1-833-548-4509
Authorization form for release of medical records.
Click on the button to complete the online request form for your hospital records; the form will allow you to select the hospital where you received care. Or, find the hospital where your received care below to download a from to complete and return via the fax number or to the mailing address listed. Please note: a fee may apply when requesting a copy of your records.
Health Information Management - St. Peter's Hospital
315 S. Manning Boulevard
Albany, NY 12208
Phone: 518-525-1212
Authorization form for release of medical records.
Health Information Management - Samaritan Hospital
2215 Burdett Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
Phone: 518-271-3261
FAX: 518-649-4163
Authorization form for release of medical records.
Health Information Management - Samaritan Hospital | St. Mary's Campus
(Formerly St. Mary's Hospital)
1300 Massachusetts Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
Phone: 518-271-3261
FAX: 518-649-4163
Authorization form for release of medical records
Health Information Management - Samaritan Hospital | Albany Memorial Campus
(Formerly Albany Memorial Hospital)
600 Northern Blvd., Albany, NY 12204
Phone: 518-471-3220
FAX: 518-649-4163
Authorization form for release of medical records.
Health Information Management - Sunnyview Rehabiliation Hospital
1270 Belmont Ave
Schenectady, NY 12308
Phone: 518-382-4547
Fax: 518-382-4599
Authorization form for release of medical records.
St. Peter’s Health Partners works with MRO, Inc. to process its patient medical records requests. MRO is a proven leader in the industry of Release of Information technology, securely and confidentially managing medical record requests on behalf of St. Peter’s Health Partners.